About » Governance


Atlas Board Meeting

August 29, 2024

5:00 PM


Posted publicly July 25, 2024 online at



Board of Directors


Russ Kirk, Board President

Scott Malin, Board Treasurer

Nancy Wild, Board Secretary

Kwofe Coleman, Board Member

Alice Dickherber, Board Member

Lorna Sanchez McClellan, Board Member

Mark Minden, Board Member


Meeting Notice & Agenda


Notice is hereby given that the Atlas Public Schools Board of Directors will hold a digital board meeting on Thursday, August 29, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.  To join by Zoom copy and paste the following URL in a web browser:


Any individual wishing to make a public comment must notify the Atlas Board Chairman via email at [email protected] by noon the day of the meeting. An individual has a maximum of three (3) minutes for its public comment(s).


The Board of Directors retains the right to return to a closed Executive Session for reasons permissible under Section 6.10.021 of the Missouri Revised State Statutes.

Board Minutes
Financial Statements