Our Approach » Place-Based Learning

Place-Based Learning

Expeditions: Learning through Place-Based Education

At Atlas, we leverage the unique resources of our amazing city to provide unforgettable learning opportunities for our kids. We believe the City of St. Louis is an extension of our classroom and take many expeditions during each unit of study to local places like MADE, The Magic House, Circus Flora, and Forest Park, to name a few. These trips are connected with classroom learning and directly align with learning goals to help students delve more deeply into content. Take a look at some of the special places we've visited!
Missouri Botanical Garden
mobot mobot
mobot mobot
mobot mobot mobot mobot
Sheldon Concert Hall
sheldon sheldon sheldon sheldon sheldon sheldon
The Pulitzer Arts Foundation's Park-Like
parklike parklike parklike
parklike parklike parklike
St. Louis Symphony
symphony symphony symphony symphony
Walls Off Washington
murals murals murals
murals murals murals

Bringing the Experts In

When we provide our students with opportunities to ask questions and grapple with real world problems, they develop important skills: collaboration, communication, citizenships, critical thinking, and creativity, to name a few. Because of this, we love to invite experts from our community into our building! Sometimes this looks like a visit from the World Bird Sanctuary during First Grade's unit of study on birds. Our families are also a great resource and we love to tap into their areas of expertise as well!
World Bird Sanctuary
world bird sanctuary world bird sanctuary world bird world bird