Atlas Public Schools nurtures a thriving community by educating the whole child through a rigorous academic program enriched with real-world experiences, while prioritizing the support, growth, and sustainability of our dedicated educators. Our mission was created in partnership with families, community members, and fellow educators. We envision a time when all students in St. Louis have the skills and habits to be successful in the 21st century and where St. Louis is a model of a flourishing, diverse, and empowered community. At Atlas, we leverage the unique resources of our amazing city to provide unforgettable learning opportunities for our kids. Our school model is designed not only to ensure that our students are academically exceptional, but are creative and critical thinkers, lifelong learners, culturally competent citizens, well-rounded individuals, and collaborative team members.
Located in the racially and socioeconomically diverse, accessible, and resource-rich St. Louis Central Corridor, Atlas enrolled a group of 130 kindergarten and first grade students beginning in the Fall of 2021. We currently serve Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, and Fourth grade students and will continue to grow alongside our students by adding a grade level each year. Ultimately, we will serve a community of 468 diverse Pre-K through Eighth Grade students.
As a result of our innovative school model, not only do Atlas kids love coming to school, but they are equipped with the critical thinking and problem solving skills needed to thrive in the 21st century. Our students flourish because we focus on educating the whole child, and are committed to recruiting, developing, and retaining highly effective educators.